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Total # of issues reported = 3

Reported by vladrytskiy

Total Points of vladrytskiy = 21

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Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: Sept. 2, 2016, 2:55 p.m.
Github URL: None
Github Issues URL: None/issues




OCR Results:

‘ AYATWderm-nandsam“ ~. + \ (- :i: mganamammmmmawm. e Qnom 1:7 g ¢ 11 e ‘ human“... v @wrmmmn. .Nauuumam, can”,me Oummmnnmrw. Omsookmaw. Own-mum“: OWN“ my pm." by. m mun-ha om Fa ATII’YIa-hu on» F0 mumgamm mas AT&T Products and Services "link ynu [at your mom: In A'fl-T products and lwlou. Yo plan. In «an: n in ml me Mlan may Inquwy mm. A mmmev sen/me '2me mm all wu m mama me mar. mm: The pmnua ynu us elm-mug may um be mllsble m wur area. Sunmmmg the farm noes um oomplsva ms omar process. Back m me prewous page am. nqulry H9359 [um/Ids ma mmrmamm mauemed m» m want us 927mm" bran AT&Tsales rsnmsemanvs m mnrauyau mmm a hours about the services you sewed nslaw as wan as amsrssmms that may be armrelm mm m nsnafl, yawermaamn way also Warm/y wave any aflnlvcable AT&TDD mm Call mstnchons that may 511M m yawamunmrspnm numbel. qumrsd Flsld‘ fils| Name' 25m r... a"... vz 2512 am.“ Mar—1‘ Emau Mdrss‘ as my Name' new 5mm. ya Ammss' 151: my... .. m .n ma 25m pm. Nmaa ya as Phone Numnar CW, ,5“ “W Ya mum cm as“ new and. No 2515 up an: ya as 2w (2212' Haas: enmzn mums—MW mum and: m Ann mpmmwu mu be :bb w am numz ynu we.» ma “W Slam 1516 a“:


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