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Total # of issues reported = 3

Reported by vladrytskiy

Total Points of vladrytskiy = 21

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Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: Sept. 4, 2016, 7:46 p.m.
Github URL: None
Github Issues URL: None/issues




OCR Results:

000 n: (D t; wwamgmahlle.glllI/defzullaspx7cld=18046 mm+ Server Error in '/' Application. Runtime Error Description: An abolition enor occurred on the server. The eunent oustom error settings lor this applicatinn prevent the details of the applilzfion errorlrom being viewed remotely (lor security reasons). It oould, however. be viewed by browsers running on the II sewer machine. Details: To enable the details ol this soecrrro error message to be viewable on remote machines. please create a <customErrors> tag within a ’web.oonflg" configuration file located in the root direciory ol the current web application. This <ouslomErmrs> tag should then have n5 'rnode" attribute set to "or. <!—— web.conf‘ig Configuration F‘i'le ——> <conf‘i gu rat‘i on> <system . web> <customErrors mode="0ff"/> </ system .web> </conf‘i gu rat‘i on> Mots: The current error page you are seeing can be replaoed by a custom error page by modifying the 'delaullRedirecr' attribute of the appllcatlnn's <oustomErrors> configuration tag to porn to a custom error page URL. <!—— web.conf‘ig Configuration F‘i'le ——> <configuration> l <system . web> ' <customErrors mode="Remote0n1y" defau1 tRed‘i rect="mycustompage . htm"/> l </ system .web> </conf‘i gu rat‘i on>


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