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Total # of issues reported = 24

Reported by mithun

Total Points of mithun = 9


Browser Version: 55.0.2883

Operating System: Windows

OS Version: 8.1

Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: Feb. 3, 2017, 11:28 a.m.
Github URL: None
Github Issues URL: None/issues




OCR Results:

(- c l i Secuye l hflps.//‘RequeslAzmunl M App; ummmpmu y [worssslsmngps fisssum a limo; fissavkol) resusswwusa wourrrsmsss anemone. fisrmwniuugm ammonium», Home AbanWASP Acknowledgemenn Ann/emsng ADDSecEvems Banks brand Resnmces enablers nonale lo OWASP Downloads Fundan Gnvemance lnmauves Mamng Ll5's Membersmp Melchanmse News Communuypnnal Presenlauons Press Pmlefls Vlden Volunleer v Refevence Asovmes “lacks Code Snllwels Cnmmls Glossary Request account Vour blogrzpny must be at b35150 words long complm and sunnunhe rollowrng formto mquesta useraccuum Make sure Inatyuu nrsl read me Terms olservrce bemre requesung an accuunt Once me accanm ls approved, you wlll be emarled a llamcallan message and me accaumwlll be usable al logm User accounl Aconnrmauon message wlll be senno youremau address once you submnlms requesr The address wnl nor be oubusned Please respond by cllcklng on me connrmauon llnk pmvlded by me emau Flnalry, your password wlll be emaued lo you wnen your accuum 5 crealed Ema» address mnnundnar24@gmau com Username Personal lrllormallorl Real name Munun dnar Vauvhlagraphy will be setas the mural wntentfuvyauruserpage. Make sure you are comlonable publlsmng such rnlormauon Try lu Include any relevant credenuas m your blugrapny below Personal blagraplly (blarn lexl only) this is my test bio graphy. this is my tzst bio a A “Elie mm V


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