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Total # of issues reported = 24

Reported by purvi

Total Points of purvi = 18


Browser Version: 56.0.2924

Operating System: Windows

OS Version: 7

Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: Feb. 5, 2017, 6:14 a.m.
Github URL: None
Github Issues URL: None/issues




OCR Results:

BughasI x‘. ownw x‘. WAS x‘. WA: xy. ownsvsnm x . OWMPDppSm x . WA: x . mummy x (- c (D hflps://www wasp.urg/lnde>< pno/calegory:5oawarejssman<e,Mamnty,Modelmo:Prolezljoonsors a —.—l— — A :“Wflmuafls SAMM IS developed and malmalned by a worldvvlde learn afvalumeels lm ma Guvwam Bulwe have also been nelped by many organlzauons, eflherfinanclally or by encouragan lnelr employees lo work on SAMM: nmsnss Malllng Llsls Acknowledgements Membersth Mammal“ We would llke lo thank me fallowlng sponsors wno donaled lunds to our prolecl News Communny ponal Presemalluns Press Prolens VlflEu Vullmleer . Relerence Acllvllles Anacks Cufle SnlDDEls Cumruls Glossary HuwTu Java Prfllecl NET Prfllecl Prlnclples Tecmmlflgles Threalkgems Vulnerabllllles > Language > Tums 6 OWASP OWASP Belgium Chapter London Chaplet ' ASTECH DL‘IW 6 [IT M DENIM GROUP j ‘ Securi -l‘ w n etS P963 pwc T 0 R E o N RISK COMPLIANCE SECURITY ASPECT) mmnansmmyau-m VE RACO'DE


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