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Total # of issues reported = 7

Reported by sangeetha

Total Points of sangeetha = 135


Browser Version: 51.0

Operating System: Windows

OS Version: 10

Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: March 14, 2017, 12:46 p.m.
Github URL: None
Github Issues URL: None/issues




OCR Results:

(- @fl htlps//wwwofiensivessecurilymm/abaulsus/ E] c QSeoreh Mime a savings...“ 1 ® [D F F N Courses Certifications Online Labs Penetration Testing Projects Blog |Shout r1 Careers Offensive securin vision The Offensive Security Team Comm Bug Buunty Progran Leaders in information Semrlty Tralnlng Home > The offensive security Team Course Reviews offset FAQ r Mati Aharoni “muts” Lead Trainer & Developer Mati (muts) is a network security professional, currently working with various Military and Government agencies. His dayrtorday work involves vulnerability research, exploit development and whirebox I blackbox Penetration Testing. in add’ ’on, he is the lead trainer in the ~oirensive Security courses, which fo(u§es on attacker tools and methodologies. Mari has been training security and hacking courses for over 14 years and is actively involved in the security arena, and is the core developer of the BackTrack and Kali Linux distributions.


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