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Test Environment: Windows 7 x64 \u002D Firefox – 49.0.2\u000D\u000A\u000D\u000ASummary \u0026 Steps to reproduce\u000D\u000A1.Launch :\u000D\u000A2. Click on Sign Up button from top nav.\u000D\u000A3.When user clicks again on Login from top nav. Popup is loaded with two options to retrieve password one on top with error/alert click on Lost your Password link it will open new page instead of popup as opened in case user clicks on \u000D\u000AForgot Password link at bottom\u000D\u000A4.Please see attached image

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Event ID: 152

User Profile Logo
Total Points = 9
User Profile Logo
Total Points = 9
Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: Nov. 13, 2016, 6:27 p.m.
Submitted: Independently
Domain Logo
Issues Reported: 3
Browser Version:
Operating System:
OS Version: Unknown

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