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Test Data \u000D\u000AApplication URL:\u002D\u000D\u000A\u000D\u000ASteps To Reproduce:\u002D \u000D\u000A1. Open the application. \u000D\u000A2. Click on Sign Up button.\u000D\u000A3. Enter blank space in name field.\u000D\u000A4. Click Sign Up and verify the result. \u000D\u000A\u000D\u000AExpected Result:\u002D \u000D\u000AUser should not be able to sign up with blank name.\u000D\u000A\u000D\u000AActual Result:\u002D\u000D\u000AUser is able to sign up with blank name.\u000D\u000A\u000D\u000APlease consider the attached screen\u002Dcast:\u002D

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Event ID: 304

User Profile Logo
Total Points = 6
User Profile Logo
Total Points = 6
Bug Type: General
Status: open
Added on: Feb. 2, 2017, 9:15 a.m.
Submitted: Independently
Domain Logo
Issues Reported: 3
Browser Image
Browser Version: 55.0.2883
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: 7

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