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Privacy Policy

We want to make sure you, as a Customer or Finder, understand what information we collect from you and why. We also want you to know about our information use practices so that you can make informed decisions about how you use BLT.

This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect from and about you, (collectively, "Your Information") and what we do with it.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

Information Collection

  • Direct Collection
    • When you create an account with BLT, you are required to provide us with profile information, including your name, Organization name (if applicable), username, password, and email address. BLT stores this information to help identify you when you log in.
    • Information regarding website issues/bugs, which are reported by the users/members of the BLT community.
  • Indirect Collection
    • We receive some information automatically when you visit BLT. This includes information about the device, browser, and operating system you use when accessing our site and Services and your IP address. If you visit BLT when you are logged into your account, we also collect the user identification number we assign you when you open your account.
  • Cookie Policy
    • When you log in to your account, BLT will place cookie(s) for the purpose of creating the session, knowing when you're logged in, and recognizing you as the same authenticated user across accounts. These cookie(s) contain an encrypted user identifier.

BLT is 100% free to use, Open Source and a non-commercial, not for profit initiative.